…for inspiration, mostly!

For inspiration, mostly!

Meet Arinola

My name is Arinola. Some people call me Arin. Some call me Nola. You can call me MsGenesis. I am a Marketing Professional. And yes, I write too. 
p.s I love love ice cream. Haha 

One more thing…

I’m fascinated with the Bible. I’m hoping to get to the point where I can do all it says. So far, I’m trying. But I’m not there yet ❤️. 
Bad Authentication data.
Bad Authentication data.

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How would you like this for valentine?

Happy Valentine’s good people. How would you like a Zondervan NIV Bible, Joyce Meyer’s new book - Be Joyful and a special Diary of Ms Genesis mug?

Not bad right? Thought so too 😂 To win is easyyyyyyyyy, click the post below, read and comment (don’t forget to add your email address so I can contact you 😉). Ps: winner will be selected at random. Good luck 👍